Customer Relationship Management ERP Software Designed for Manufacturers

A CRM made for manufacturers selling complex products

Close more deals, generate more revenue and grow your business with our integrated CRM made exclusively for custom manufacturers.

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Genius Integrated Sales CRM

Genius CRM is incorporated into Genius ERP, giving you an indispensable tool with all the features you need to manage the sales process, while saving you time by not having to duplicate information. Your sales team can quickly make an accurate quote with access to price lists, past deals and the product configurator tool. Plus, your sales reps can quickly share information back and forth with the engineering department if they need a more complex quote.


Connect your sales team

Genius CRM connects your sales team to your ERP so they can create accurate quotes — from their desk or while on the road. Sales reps can easily pull data directly from Genius ERP and share information between departments to develop and refine quotes, access price lists and previous deals and configure products to the customer’s specifications.

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Centralize your sales hub

Get all your sales conversations in one place. Your sales reps will be able to manage all accounts, leads, opportunities and communications inside Genius CRM. Gather and store customer data in one place, and make it easier for your sales team to nurture customer relationships. No more losing deals because an email got lost in the shuffle of your email inbox.

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Manage your sales pipeline

Your sales team can keep up with all your prospects and opportunities in Genius CRM by creating and managing tasks and using the calendar to plan and coordinate sales calls. A personalized dashboard allows individual sales personnel to have all the information they need at their fingertips to keep on top of all leads and opportunities and manage their pipeline.

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Key Features and Functionalities

Genius CRM includes all the features you need to make managing the sales process easier, including a personalized sales dashboard for handling customer information, leads and opportunities and an easy tool to create marketing campaigns and mass emails.

  • Lead management
  • Deal tracking
  • Personal dashboards for each salesperson
  • Two-way communication with prospects
  • Calendar to manage sales meetings
  • Existing and new customer management
  • Internal and External deal tracking and reporting
  • Sales opportunity management
  • Task management
  • Email correspondence tracking
  • Reporting and analytics
  • User roles & permissions management
  • Google Maps integration
  • Cloud-based for easy access from any location
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Easy-to-use
  • Multi-language
  • All completely integrated with Genius ERP
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Genius ERP now offers seamless integration with HubSpot CRM, connecting your quotes directly to HubSpot to keep you on top of your sales pipeline.

Built for the people who use it

Whether you are an engineer, production manager, accountant or CEO, Genius ERP has the solutions you need to get the job done right.


You don’t just need a CRM — you need a CRM that is fully integrated with your ERP

Genius CRM helps you track sales opportunities, manage communications with current and prospective customers and organize sales-related tasks. But Genius CRM is also seamlessly integrated with Genius ERP, providing you with historical information, past deals, price lists and the Product Configurator tool to create quick and accurate quotes, whether at home or on the road. Genius CRM also allows for easy communication with the rest of your team, making it easy for you to bring other departments — including engineering — into the loop to develop and refine quotes.

Keeping track of everything

Senior Management

Know the status of every deal at a glance

For managers, Genius CRM displays your sales pipeline in real-time, tracks your salespeople’s activity and analyzes data about your customers and prospects. Plus, you’ll only need one support team for both your ERP and CRM, saving you time and resources.

employee holding laptop overseeing shop floor from above
Case studies

We’re honored to help hard-working manufacturers grow

Whether you’re looking for your first ERP, or you need a replacement solution, manufacturers just like you have realized the benefits of implementing Genius ERP.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a CRM?

A customer relationship management (CRM) tool is a software solution designed to help companies manage their communications and interactions with prospects, partners, and existing customers.

A CRM system provides companies with the capability to track new leads, progress opportunities through the sales pipeline, and record details of finalized deals. It serves as a centralized platform for managing important information related to:

Contacts or People: This includes details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information of individuals within the company’s network.

Companies or Accounts: A CRM system can store information about companies or accounts, including their names, websites, number of employees, revenue, and other relevant data.

Communications: The CRM system keeps track of communications with contacts, including emails exchanged, recordings of phone calls, notes, activities, and other interactions.

Reporting: CRM systems provide valuable metrics and reports related to lead acquisition, new deals, conversion rates, customer interactions, and other key performance indicators. These insights help businesses make informed decisions and improve their customer relationship strategies.

Overall, a CRM tool plays a crucial role in streamlining communication, organizing data, and optimizing sales and marketing efforts to enhance customer relationships and drive business growth.

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What are the benefits of using a CRM vs Excel?

Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system offers several advantages over using Excel for managing customer data and interactions:

  • Centralized Data Management: A CRM system provides a centralized database for storing and managing customer information, including contact details, interactions, purchase history, and preferences. This centralized approach ensures data consistency, accessibility, and security, compared to scattered Excel files that may be prone to errors, duplication, and inconsistency.
  • Improved Data Organization: CRM systems offer structured data organization with customizable fields and categories, making it easier to categorize contacts and segment customers and prospects/contacts based on various criteria such as demographics, purchase behavior, and engagement levels. This facilitates targeted marketing campaigns, personalized communication, and more effective customer segmentation compared to Excel’s limited data organization capabilities.
  • Automated Workflows: CRM systems automate various tasks and workflows, such as lead management, contact assignment, sales pipeline tracking, and follow-up reminders. Automation streamlines processes, reduces manual effort, and ensures timely follow-ups, improving efficiency and productivity compared to manual processes in Excel.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: CRM systems enable seamless collaboration among team members by providing shared access to customer data, communication history, and sales activities. Team members can collaborate in real-time, share updates, and coordinate efforts more effectively compared to Excel files that may be stored locally and lack collaboration features.
  • Integration with Other Tools: CRM systems often integrate with other business tools and software such as email marketing platforms, accounting software, and customer support systems. Integration eliminates data silos, improves data visibility, and enables a holistic view of customer interactions and touchpoints, enhancing decision-making and customer service compared to standalone Excel files.
  • Analytics and Reporting: CRM systems offer robust analytics and reporting capabilities, providing insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and marketing effectiveness. Advanced reporting features enable data visualization, trend analysis, and forecasting, helping businesses make informed decisions and identify growth opportunities more effectively compared to manual data analysis in Excel.
  • Scalability and Customization: CRM systems are scalable and customizable to accommodate evolving business needs and growing customer databases. Businesses can tailor CRM workflows, fields, and functionalities to align with their specific requirements, ensuring flexibility and adaptability compared to rigid Excel spreadsheets.

In summary, while Excel can be a basic tool for managing customer data, a CRM system offers advanced features and benefits that improve data management, automation, collaboration, analysis, and scalability, ultimately enhancing customer relationships, sales performance, and business growth.

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