

Sherbrooke, QC

Features: Inventory Management - Production Management - Purchasing

Motrec needed an ERP solution that could not only streamline their business processes but could be the foundation for their ambitious growth plans.

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We don’t take any inventory except the cycle count. Doing so the inventory is now 95% accurate instead of 72%.

Alain Turgeon
Director, R&D, Continuous Improvement, and IT
About the Company

The company


Motrec is an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of custom electrical industrial vehicles. Their vehicles can be found in manufacturing facilities across the globe and they are known for their unmatched reliability, ruggedness, agility, and value.

Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Motrec has 100 employees and has recently moved into a new 70,000 square foot state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.


Motrec is a manufacturer of innovative and fully customizable electric industrial vehicles for the transportation of people and goods. Motrec vehicles are used in manufacturing facilities and other industrial sites around the globe to transport resources from one end of a plant to another.

motrec mc 480 flatbed trucks

Genius ERP Highlight

“Today we build around 120 to 130 vehicles per month, and [with Genius ERP] we will go up to 300 in less than one year.”

Alain Turgeon Director, R&D, Continuous Improvement, and IT
The Challenge

The challenge

Known for their quality, reliability, and inventiveness, Motrec vehicles are found in industrial and manufacturing facilities around the world. With demand for their vehicles high — and a recent move into a 70,000 square foot state-of-the-art manufacturing facility — Motrec has big plans to grow their operation to produce more vehicles, create new features and options, and move into more markets across the globe.

But Motrec was finding they had a disconnect between the shop floor and the front office, and that they were struggling with efficiencies in terms of inventory, purchasing, and engineering.

Motrec needed an ERP system that could give them greater visibility throughout their organization, connect their shop floor to their front office, help them improve their processes, track their inventory, and increase the efficiency of their engineering department — as well as support their long-term growth.

Top requirements

Increase inventory accuracy and reduce costs

Motrec needed a system that would streamline their inventory taking process to save them time and money, and help them create a more accurate inventory count

Streamline purchasing

Disparate purchasing systems and processes meant that Motrec was spending too much time on purchasing and was buying too much inventory — a better, more streamlined system was needed

Maximize engineering efficiency

The highly customizable-nature of their vehicles means that every order needs to be reviewed by the engineering department, so Motrec needed a solution that could help them automate this process and make their engineering department more efficient

The solution

The solution

Genius ERP has been essential to streamlining Motrec’s operations and underpinning their growth. “Today, with what we did, everything is centralized in Genius, everyone is accountable for every task, so it’s quite easy with a customer to start the discussion and to convince them that Motrec can give a better service than anyone else,” says Turgeon.

“The biggest change that we have made, I think, is the inventory. We used to shut down for almost three days to take the old inventories. And it cost more than 400 thousand dollars to do so. [Now] we have implemented cycle count. Since six months, we don’t take any inventory except the cycle count. Doing so the inventory is now 95% accurate instead of 72%,” explains Turgeon.

“Since we have [put] everything into Genius, we are able to use the tools of Genius — to use the forecast — to make sure that we do purchasing the right way. We have the minimum, the maximum set up into Genius, and the economic quantity also, and it takes 25 minutes to do the purchasing everyday, and that’s it. And also, we have lowered the inventory [on-hand] by 30%,” states Turgeon.

motrec three wheel vehicles
Key Features

Key features

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Key features

production scheduling icon

Product Configurator

With the product configurator and other tools included in Genius ERP’s Product Engineering module, Motrec is able to gain back 65% of their engineering department’s time — allowing their engineers to focus their time on developing new options, features, and products

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inventory management icon

Cycle Inventory Count

By using the cycle inventory count in Genius ERP’s Inventory module, Motrec has not only saved the 400 thousand dollars and three days time it took to do their old inventory counts, they have increased their inventory accuracy from 72% to 95%

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vendor management icon


Motrec uses Genius ERP to complete all of their purchasing tasks, and now only spends 25 minutes a day on purchasing — and because they only purchase what they need, they have reduced their on-hand inventory and associated carry costs by 30%

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motrec engines on order
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